If you want to know more, here are some scientific data you should read:
- Baker M, Gruber J, Milligan K (2005): Universal Childcare, Maternal Labor Supply, and Family Well-Being (Link)
- Baker M, Gruber J, Milligan K (2015): Non-Cognitive Deficits and Young Adults Outcomes: The Long-Run Impacts of a Universal Child Care Program (Link)
- Belsky J (2011): Short and long term effects of day care – Results of the large scale American study (Link)
- Boehm R (2011): Early Group Day Care – Developmental pediatrician´s view of standard (Link)
- Boehm R (2012): The dark side of childhood (Link)
- Felitti VJ et al (1998): Relationship of Childhood Abuse andHousehold Dysfunction to Many of theLeading Causes of Death in AdultsThe Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study (Link)
- McKenna JJ and Mc Dade T (2005): Why babies should never sleep alone: A reviewof the co-sleeping controversy in relation to SIDS,bedsharing and breast feeding. (Link)
- Narvaez D et al (2019): Evolved Developmental Niche Provision Report: Moral Socialization, Social Thriving, and Social Maladaptation in Three Countries (Link)
- Shore, A (2014, interview on psychalive.org): Attachment, Trauma. (Link)
- Shonkoff J (2018): Protecting Brains, Stimulating Minds: The Early Life Roots of Success in School (Link)